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Should I Vaccinate My Newborn (Or Myself)?

Should I vaccinate my newborn? Should I receive vaccinations during pregnancy or immediately after? What about the CDC schedule - is it safe?

Should I vaccinate my newborn? Should I receive vaccinations during pregnancy

The short answer is… I won’t tell you whether or not you should vaccinate yourself or your baby. I do NOT encourage my clients or anyone else to make one decision or another when it comes to vaccination. This is a very personal decision that requires a lot of thought and research on your part. The problem many families face is that the “research” they come across on Google can be very conflicting and overwhelming. There is a TON of information about vaccines on the internet and in books, but very little is actually scientifically backed and evidence based. The good news is that there does exist information that is accurate, unbiased, and reliable.

As parents we are constantly weighing risks vs. benefits - this is no different. Whether you choose to vaccinate or not, there are pros and cons on both sides of the decision. You just have to decide which risks feel more “worth it” to you. I have a few go-to resources that I always recommend to my clients when asked about vaccines. I only recommend books or websites that are not fear based. My aim is to empower each family to make decisions in which they feel confident. I hope these are helpful in minimizing the information you have to sort through and reduces some of the stress involved in this particular aspect of parenting!

  • Read the package inserts available here from the FDA. It is A LOT of information but I promise it is worth it. Pay careful attention to any information in these inserts specific to pregnancy, infants, and children. Here you will find a list of ingredients, contraindications, possible adverse effects, and what groups of people the vaccine has been tested and approved for.

  • National Vaccine Information Center - This is a phenomenal resource loaded with information that does not promote a pro-vaccination or an anti-vaccination agenda. The NVIC provides eight vital questions everyone should ask themselves before choosing to vaccinate. They also clearly explain what an adverse reaction looks like - which, unfortunately, many physicians either don’t recognize or severely downplay. Through this site you can find information on the individual vaccines that are available, which diseases they may prevent, how effective the vaccine is, the risks associated with the disease itself and the vaccine, and questions you may want to discuss with your doctor.

  • Evidence Based Birth is another great resource that cites scientific studies and unbiased information on select vaccines. You won’t be able to find information on every single vaccine available but you can search the blog for articles on specific vaccines. What you will find is definitely a valuable read!

  • The Vaccine Book by Robert W. Sears - I read this book while I was pregnant with my first baby and I still recommend it. He outlines each vaccine, ingredients, different brands available, when it is administered according to the CDC schedule, what it is used for, as well as the potential benefits and risks. Dr. Sears also offers a alternate vaccination schedule. This may feel like a comfortable “middle ground” decision that provides you with the most peace of mind.

  • The Vaccine Friendly Plan by Paul Thomas and Jennifer Margulis - Many parents have said this book is a “must read” and an “invaluable resource”, even calling it their “vaccine Bible”! Dr. Thomas and Dr. Margulis are a wealth of knowledge when it comes to vaccines. Part of what makes this book valuable is that it also delves into associated topics such as: how your health during pregnancy affects your child (during pregnancy and throughout their life), risks of certain medications, common illnesses for school age children, and how to naturally support your child’s immune system. Similar to The Vaccine Book, you will also find an alternate schedule for vaccinations. 

I do not claim to agree with 100% of what may be stated by these sources. As you are doing your research, keep in mind that you will always have to use your own judgement. Take the information from these resources and make a call that feels right for your child. Stay far away from fear based blog articles that spew strong opinions which are often just that, opinions. I don’t ever recommend making any decisions based only on the opinions of others, especially when it comes to the health and well being of our babies. It is, unfortunately, far too easy to find pages and pages and pages of blog posts that are incredibly biased and will only waste your valuable parental energy. Whether or not you vaccinate (your baby or yourself) may be one of the most challenging decisions you will have to make as a new parent. But believe me when I say, “You’ve got this”. Do the hard research and follow your intuition. You are capable of making the very best decision for your family.

I will continue to update this list as more resources become available, so please check back!

*While the vitamin K shot is not a vaccine, information on this shot can be found at fda.gov and Evidence Based Birth.

Have vaccines been a hang up on your birth plan? Leave a comment and let’s talk about it!