Nourishing Infusion for Pregnancy and Postpartum Health

Pregnancy and Postpartum Herbal Infusion - Birth Doula | Jacksonville, FL

One of the best ways to care for ourselves throughout pregnancy and postpartum is by paying careful attention to what we put in our bodies. This simple herbal infusion is so rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial in supporting overall health, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and postpartum recovery.

Nutrients found in nettle leaf:

Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin K

B Vitamins






...and more!

Nutrients found in red raspberry leaf:

Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin E

B Vitamins







...and more!

Pretty impressive, right? These herbs provide perfectly balanced nourishment straight from the earth. 

Herbal tonic for pregnancy and postpartum. | Birth Doula Jacksonville, FL

Pregnancy & Postpartum Herbal Infusion


3/4 cup dried nettle leaf

1/4 cup red raspberry leaf

1 liter of water


Place dried herbs in a jar. Bring water to a boil then remove from heat for about thirty seconds. Gently pour hot water over the herbs and stir. Cover and let steep for 4-8 hours. Enjoy chilled or over ice. Feel free to add lemon, berries, a bit of fresh fruit juice, or a sprig of mint.

If you find this to be too strong you can start out steeping for less time or use half the amount of dried herbs and work your way up to full strength. I would highly recommend eventually drinking this infusion at the highest potency to experience the full health benefits.

As always, check with your care provider before drinking herbal teas during pregnancy.